virtualtrading invests in the Virtual Trading simulator. Take a look to the trader's performance in the trading game.
Learn to trade Stocks, Forex & Commodities without risks in Virtual Trading. You can also join Virtual Trading and start investing without risks!

13 June, 2019
Can you provide an example?
Message in the forum topic Welcome to the Forex Forums

16 March, 2018
Welcome to the Forex Forums
Please share here your ideas!
Message in the forum topic Welcome to the Forex Forums

16 March, 2018
Message in the forum topic Welcome to Virtual Trading

4 May, 2015
Only the ones that are listed can be traded.
Message in the forum topic Welcome to Virtual Trading

4 May, 2015
Hi fowlerg, GW Pharmaceutical cannot be traded. We will take a look to see if it's possible to ad...
Message in the forum topic Stocks only

11 April, 2015
Hi SACH-CORP, not at the moment. Will consider it!
Message in the forum topic Welcome to Virtual Trading

19 March, 2015
Easy. Buy and sell stuff and try to do your best :-) Please, feel free to ask any questions.
Message in the forum topic Welcome to Virtual Trading

22 May, 2014
Welcome to Virtual Trading
Welcome to Virtual Trading!My name is Jose. I'm the admin (and creator) or the Site.This Site is ...
Message in the forum topic Welcome to Virtual Trading

virtualtrading's Timeline
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